Reflections on Generosity
Kick off your week with a 5-minute reflection on generosity to ground yourself as you go about your fund development tasks. Each reflection includes a question to ponder throughout the week to aid your work.
85 episodes
85: Contributions to Justice
"...How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straight away!..."This week, I’m reading from Give
Season 2
Episode 85
84: Striving Valiantly for Generosity
"...It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better...."This week, I’m reading from
Season 2
Episode 84
83: Waiting for Generosity
"...Patient living means to live actively in the present and wait there. Waiting, then, is not passive. It involves nurturing the moment.."This week, I am reflecting on selected quotes from Henri Nouwen from the The
Season 2
Episode 83
82: To the Days of Generosity Ahead
As you know, this podcast highlights the transformative beauty of generosity. I will be taking a brief break until January 6, and in the meantime, I encourage you to reflect on the role of generosity within your own holiday traditions.A...
Season 2
Episode 82
81: Planting Generosity for Others
"...Therefore one should not cease from planting. Rather, just as he found, one should still continue to plant even though he is old..."This week, I’m a story from
Season 2
Episode 81
80: Luck of the Draw
"...In the same way, as you are unable to take care of all of your fellow people, treated as the luck of the draw when the time and circumstance brings some into closer contact with you than others." This week, I’m reading a quote ...
Season 2
Episode 80
79: Generosity Repairs the World
“Whoever practices charity and justice fills the world with loving kindness.”This week, I’m reading quotes from Sukkah 49b about tzedakah.Reflection questions:<...
Season 2
Episode 79
78: To Do Good
"...that which is a hindrance is made a furtherance to an act; and that which is an obstacle on the road helps us on this road..."This week, I am reading a quote from M...
Season 2
Episode 78
77: Letting the Giver See
"...When we have decided to accept, let us accept with cheerfulness, showing pleasure, and letting the giver see it, so that he or she may at once receive some return for their goodness..."This week, I am reading a quote from
Season 2
Episode 77
76: Accept Gifts with Cheerfulness
"...When we have decided to accept, let us accept with cheerfulness, showing pleasure, and letting the giver see it, so that he or she may at once receive some return for their goodness..."This week, I am reading a quote from
Season 2
Episode 76
75: Generosity Begins with Us
"...A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed...."This week, I’m reading a quote from the Jewish wisdom on generosity from
Season 2
Episode 75
74: Wisdom and Rest
"...For with wisdom cometh patience, And with patience cometh rest..."This week, I am reading the poem The Hardest Time of All, by Sarah Doudney. Written in 1896....
Season 2
Episode 74
73: Generosity Builds Democracy
..."An association [nonprofit] is an educated and powerful body of citizens which cannot be twisted to any person's will or quietly trodden down,..." This week, I’m reading selected quotes from
Season 2
Episode 73
72: Generosity or Transaction
"...the potentially world-changing and life-giving power that may be present in or working through the goodness of the donors' hearts and souls; if only someone would acknowledge it, call it forth, and nurture it!"This week, I am readin...
Season 2
Episode 72
71: Generosity Covers Failure
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” JK RowlingThis week, I’m reading various quotes to reflect o...
Season 2
Episode 71
70: Generosity in Failure
"...All that happens, happens right: you will find it so if you observe narrowly..."This week, I am reading a quote from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, written aro...
Season 2
Episode 70
69: Weep and Plant Again
..."And then with a cry from his soul despairing,He bowed him down to the earth and wept.But a voice cried aloud from the driving rain;“Arise, old man, and plant again!”This week, I’m reading a poem,
Season 2
Episode 69
68: Living Splendor
"...Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by the covering,Cast them away as ugly, or heavy, or hard.Remove the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendor,Woven of love, by wisdom, with power..."...
Season 2
Episode 68
67: Thinking and Deeds
"...To think and to will without doing, when there is opportunity, is like a flame enclosed in a vessel and goes out; also like seed cast upon the sand, which fails to grow, and so perishes with its power of germination. But to think and will a...
Season 2
Episode 67
66: Curiosity
"...The first and the simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is curiosity..."This week, I’m reading a quote from On the Sublime an...
Season 2
Episode 66
65: Cultivate Success
"...Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity..."This week, I am reading quotes from Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu from his various works.Reflection questions:Are you watering your fundraising appe...
Season 2
Episode 65
64: Childhood Impacts Generosity
"...Consistent with social learning theory, individuals tend to carry beliefs about money and money skills learned in childhood into their adult lives..."This week, I’m reading selected quotes from
Season 2
Episode 64
63: Persistence and Joy
"...The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but wh...
Season 2
Episode 63
62: Humble Ignorance
"...Acknowledging that one does not know is a humble kind of ignorance, one that is, in fact, filled often with the joy of discovery and wonder at what is discovered..."This week, I’m reading a quote from
Season 2
Episode 62
61: Learning Generosity
"...real generosity requires requires learning something different, something that may not feel natural for many people. It often requires real personal change. A better understanding of how generosity works can aid that learning and change..."...
Season 2
Episode 61